













2日目からはCEDECに初参加させていただきました。初参加でCEDECもすごく緊張していました。3日間通して私は主にレンダリングやエフェクトの分野とUnreal Engine4に関連するセッションを中心に拝聴いたしました。どれも私の知らない言葉や知識がいっぱいですぐには理解できなくても調べる種がたくさんあったのでとても勉強になりました。

CEDEC2日目の夜にはDeveloper’s Nightが行われ、多くのゲーム業界の方にお会いすることが出来ました。仕事に対する考え方やゲームに対する思いなどをたくさん聞くことができました。素敵な出会いがたくさんある、とても素晴らしいパーティーでした。


CEDEC 2015 Scholarship Participant Report 01: Hitoshi Tanaka (Tokyo Polytechnic University)

First, I would like to express my deepest gratitude for being able to participate in the CEDEC and TGS scholarship program, and for the various experiences I was able to have. It has become a memory that I will never forget.

I heard about this year’s scholarship from an upperclassman at my university, Tokyo Polytechnic, who had participated last year. Thanks to him, I was able to learn that this scholarship existed.

The CEDEC scholarship took place over four days, and included a one day studio tour and the three day CEDEC program, both of which were full of detailed information.

Studio Tour

On the first day, we visited three studios: Aiming, Tayutau, and GeePlus. I was able to learn a great deal from these three very unique companies, and the experience gave me a good reference for my own company research.

The first studio we went to was Aiming. As it was my first visit to a company, I was very nervous. However, because we were able to speak in a relaxed, round-table style discussion that was close but also allowed a sense of distance, I was able to ask many of the questions I had. We were also given the chance to see what the company is like day-to-day, and the aspect I learned the most from was the way seating was arranged in the office. Programmers, designers, and planners were mixed together, rather than separated into their respective divisions, for reasons such as easy communication. I learned that a company must take even minor details like this into account.

Next we visited Tayutau. Following their company slogan, �gUnite the world,�h there were many employees from abroad, and it was clear that the company aspires to act in a global fashion. They answered many questions, and I thought that the policy of never deviating from the plan during game development would be very helpful when I make my own games from now on. We were able to see what an average day was like in the office, and I realized how important it is to manage related materials and look things up during production in order to make a game a reality.

The last studio on the tour was GeePlus. After we arrived, we were given an explanation of the company by the president, Mr. Tsurutani. He was a skilled and interesting speaker, and his overview of the company was very easy to understand. I was particularly impressed by the UI portion. The stories of elevators with buttons that are difficult to understand, or conversely, toilets that can be told what to do without words, made me want to use them as references when thinking about user interfaces from now on. After that I was able to speak to an engineer who works for GeePlus and ask various questions. I think that the answers regarding which tools, engines, etc. are usually used will be useful when I am developing my own games in the future.

All of the companies visited on the studio tour offered me valuable experience.


From the second day on, I took part in CEDEC. Because it was my first time as a participant, I was extremely nervous. For three days, I mainly attended sessions focusing on rendering and effects, or dealing with Unreal Engine 4. In every session, there was a lot of information and terms I did not know. Though I could not understand right away, I learned a great deal because there was so much material to look up.

On the evening of the CEDEC’s second day, a Developers’ Night was held, when I was able to meet many people from the game industry. I was able to ask many questions about their thoughts and feelings about their jobs and games. I had many excellent meetings, and it was a fantastic party.

Thanks to this year’s CEDEC scholarship, I received a lot of experience and motivation. I was able to gain valuable experience making connections with many people and being able to hear many talks. I believe the experience and discussions I acquired during this scholarship will have a great impact on the games I develop going forward.